Caveats of Five Amis

What you need to know before reading or commenting:

  • I am a stay at home mom of 3 kids between the ages of 6 and 11 (as of May 2019). This is my viewpoint of life in Germany.
  • We moved here soon after getting married at the age of 26. While we considered ourselves adults, anyone over the age of 30 knows that there is still a lot of growing one does in their 20s. We did a lot of this growing in Germany.
  • We live in a small village (pop. 3000) near the city of Koblenz, which is in Western Germany. Germany, though much smaller than the US, still has a wide range of subcultures much like America does. Our experiences may differ greatly than that of Americans in other parts of the country or in bigger cities. This is my viewpoint of life in Germany.
  • Since we moved to our little village, I have spent most of my spare time immersing our family in this culture. We had some Germans lessons before moving, but mostly I learned "on the street" by speaking to people. For many years, we knew few in the area who were American. I have stuck my kids and myself in as many clubs, and volunteered for as many positions as I had time and understanding for. We enjoy, but rely very little on our American background. This is my viewpoint of life in Germany. 
